


One of the activities foreseen in the FP7 project REGPOT 3 FEED-TO-FOOD in the framework of WP3 is the exchange of experiences during the short visits of researchers from the Center FEED-TO-FOOD (FINS)  to the partners institutes in the project: IAS, INRA, IBNA and IFF.The visit to Lithuania was organized from 22-28 June 2009 for the researchers Dr Jovanka Levic, project coordinator and co-workers mr. Sandor Kormanjoš and mr. Slavica Sredanović. Here are their impresions:

In IAS Institute located in Baisogala, Lithuania, we visited the experimental farm and Institute laboratories. Most interested part for us was restored control laboratory for animal feed and products of animal origin.
IAS is a public Institute and among other activities is responsible for fostering and preservation of Lithuanian native species of horses, cattle and sheep as they do in natural conditions on farms located in the district Baisogale. We also visited a modern cattle farm that has the status of a technology park and which was built supported by EU funds. During visit, a meeting with IAS researchers was organized at which we presented the basic strategy for FP7 REGPOT 3 projects FEED-TO-FOOD and activities that are important for cooperation between our two institutes. We also presented FINS and showed a DVD with laboratory equipment presentation so they can get wider picture about possibility for research in our Institute.


In addition to general discussion of our Institutes and possible directions of cooperation, through  meetings during the visit we were mostly engaged in organizing a visit of our young researchers and plan their training in the IAS as well as planning the visit of researchers from Lithuania to FINS in Novi Sad. It is provided that from FINS come researchers (2x1 month) dealing with the quality of food for animals. From the other side, they are interested in the training of their researchers in the field of feed technology.
One of the topics of our meetings was the participation of IAS on the first Workshop in Novi Sad which has been provided by FP7 Work Programme REGPOT 3 projects FEED-TO-FOOD.
Director of Institute, Dr. Violeta Juškiane was a good host and she tried to give us any information about work they are interested. In the four-day stay, the hosts made an effort to present part of their beautiful country, history and customs through various forms of social activities and to enjoy socializing.